Successful Surgery Helped a Patient Who Couldn’t Walk

Dr. M. Ali
Patient Name: Joynab Akhtar   City : Dhaka

Joynab Akhtar had been having trouble walking for a long time due to leg pain. She couldn’t even perform simple tasks. For treatment, she came to Evercare Hospital Dhaka. Dr. M. Ali, the Coordinator and Senior Consultant of the Orthopedics Department took charge of her case there. Under his supervision, she underwent surgery. Currently, she is in good health. Joynab Akhtar herself is sharing more with us.

For more details or to schedule an appointment, please call 10678.

Successful Surgery to Relieve Hand Pain Due to Spinal Problems


Professor Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman

Patient Name: Hedayet Ullah


Hedayet Ullah, who was living abroad, had experienced hand pain due to spinal problems. Initially, he sought treatment from Professor Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman, the Senior Consultant and Coordinator of the Neurosurgery Department at Evercare Hospital Dhaka, but he couldn’t continue the treatment. Despite consulting other doctors abroad, Hedayet Ullah did not find much relief. Finally, upon returning to the country, he underwent surgery under the supervision of Professor Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman. Currently, he has completely recovered. Hedayet Ullah himself is sharing more with us.

For more details or to schedule an appointment, please call 10678.

Successful Repair of a Heart Ventricular Septal Defect

Successful Repair of a Heart Ventricular Septal Defect

Paediatric Cardiology
Dr. Tahera Nazrin
Patient Name: Jebin  City : Chattogram

Jebin, a six-year-old girl, had a persistent fever, cold, and weakness since birth. A local doctor advised her parents to take her to Evercare Hospital Dhaka. Dr. Tahera Nazrin, a Senior Consultant & Coordinator in Paediatric Cardiology, discovered a hole in Jebin’s heart from her time in the womb. Following Dr. Tahera Nazrin’s guidance, the gap was closed successfully using a device. Jebin’s father is sharing more with us.

For more details or to schedule an appointment, please call 10678.

Successful Surgery of Brain Tumor

Neuro Surgery
Prof. (Col.) Dr. Md. Aminul Islam
Patient Name: Shahidul Haque City : Dinajpur

Shahidul Haque, from Dinajpur, had a large tumor in his brain. For treatment, he came to Evercare Hospital Dhaka, where Prof. (Col.) Dr. Md. Aminul Islam, a Senior Consultant at the Neurosurgery Department, performed two surgeries. Shahidul Haque is doing well right now. The patient and his brother are sharing more details with us. For more details or to schedule an appointment, please call 10678.

Treatment of Breathing Difficulties Through Vaccination

Respiratory Medicine
Prof. Dr. Rowshne Jahan
Patient Name: Sumon Tripura City : Chattogram

Sumon Tripura had been experiencing breathing difficulties for some time. He came to Evercare Hospital Dhaka for treatment. There, he received a vaccine for breathing difficulty under the supervision of Dr. Rowshne Jahan, the Consultant and Coordinator of the Respiratory Medicine Department. Now, Sumon Tripura is completely fine. He is sharing more about the treatment himself.

For more details or to schedule an appointment, please call 10678

Successful treatment of low back spine problems

Neuro Surgery

Professor Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman

Patient Name: Rabiul Haque

Rabiul Haque suddenly felt pain in his right leg. Later, when the pain worsened, he went to a hospital and was advised to undergo surgery. Following that, Mr. Rabiul received treatment from Prof. Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman, Senior Consultant and Coordinator of the Neurosurgery Department of Evercare Hospital Dhaka and had low back spine surgery. He is doing well right now and getting well quickly. Rabiul Haque has talked more about this matter.

For details or an appointment, Call 10678.

Recovery after successful brain tumour surgery.

Neuro Surgery

Prof. (Col.) Dr. Md. Aminul Islam

Patient Name: Mosammat Ruby Begum    City : Dhaka


Mosammat Ruby Begum was suffering from a brain tumour for a long time. Her head remained heavy always, and it was very difficult for her to move. She also had poor vision. Later, her daughter brought Mrs Ruby to Professor (Colonel) Dr. Md. Aminul Islam, Senior Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery, Evercare Hospital Dhaka, where the doctor suggested a quick surgery. Afterwards, under the supervision of Dr. Md. Aminul Islam, Ruby Begum’s successful surgery was completed. Now she is much better than before. Her daughter has talked more about this.


For details or an appointment, Call 10678.

Dr. Tahera Nazrin closed the hole in the congenital heart of a six-year-old child.

Paediatric Cardiology

Dr. Tahera Nazrin

Patient Name: Zabin City : Chattogram


Six years old, Zabin suffered from fever, cold, and cough and always felt weak since birth. The child was also underweighting for her age. In this situation, the child was brought to Evercare Hospital Dhaka on the advice of a local doctor. The child was treated here under Dr. Tahera Nazrin, Senior Consultant and Coordinator Department of Clinical and Interventional Paediatric Cardiology. After the examination, a hole was found in Zabin’s heart, created while in the mother’s womb. Later, under the supervision of Dr. Tahera Nazrin, arrangements were made to close the hole in the heart of this child through the device without any surgery. Zabin’s father has given the details about this.


For details or an appointment, Call 10678.

End of pulse problem by laparoscopic surgery

General & Laparoscopic Surgery
Prof Dr. P.K. Saha
Patient Name: Delwara Begum City : Dhaka



Delwara Begum was suffering from stomach problems for a long time. She was taken to various hospitals, but she never fully recovered. Then her son brought her to Professor Dr. PK Saha, Senior Consultant, General & lap Surgery at Evercare Hospital Dhaka. Dr. PK Saha treated Delwara Begum through Laparoscopic Surgery. Currently, she is doing very well. Delwara Begum’s son has talked about this more.

For details or an appointment Call 10678.

Successful surgery of grown flesh in waist

Successful Surgery for Growth Removal at Evercare Hospital

Neuro Surgery

Professor Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman

Patient Name: Sohail Molla City : Bikrampur


Sohail Molla of Bikrampur was suffering from back pain for a long time. After walking for a while, the pain from the right leg continued downwards. In this situation, when the pain increased, his relatives brought him to Evercare Hospital Dhaka. When Prof. Dr. Zillur Rahman was informed of the patient’s situation, he said that the patient’s waist has grown flesh and it needs to be operated. Later he underwent surgery under Prof. Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman. He is doing great right now. A close relative of the patient talked about it in detail.


For details or appointment, call 10678.